The Aftermath of Ash
Ash felt disgusting in the Uber ride home, both physically and mentally. She had a sour taste in her mouth and her skin felt covered in a dried film of sweat and ...whatever else. Every bump on the ride reminded her of how sore she was, literally everywhere. How sore she was and how hard she was still rolling - she was definitely coming down off of the MDMA but she was still absolutely high. She kind of hoped it would stay that way for a bit. She didn't want the sober thoughts and shame to seep in too quickly.
The Uber took a familiar turn and she knew she was only a few minutes away from home. She texted Craig "Hey! Sorry, I left my phone in a cab last night...Aja didn't have your contact info and I couldn't remember your number lol. So, so sorry. Just picked up phone and will be home asap!" She felt terrible, pangs of guilt that were almost physically tangible. She had to go to sleep and just forget for a while.
When she walked in the door and called Craig's name she was relieved to hear silence in return - she didn't want to deal with the possible fall out just yet, she needed to clear her mind first and sober up. As soon as she was in the familiar setting she realized how exhausted she really was. She went to the bathroom quickly, stripped and threw on a long sleeping shirt and collapsed into the bed. She lay there for a few minutes, her body trying to welcome the resting embrace of sleep but her mind still wildly racing - she was still too wired and high. She got up, took half a sleeping pill and went back to bed, drifting off as her empty stomach allowed it to act quickly.
Craig was almost at the golf course when he got the text from Ash. "Fuck, thank god she's safe" he thought to himself as a wave of relief washed over him. That sensation quickly abated, however, once the anger and uncertainty came rushing back in. He and Aja were friends on like four social media networks - couldn't they have sent him a DM so he wouldn't have been up all night worried? What made him angry wasn't that he doubted the story itself, but just that Ash was such a mess as of late that he wouldn't put getting too fucked up and not even thinking about that past her. He was tired, distracted, and angry. He called his friends to cancel his spot in the foursome and turned around to head home. "I would have played like shit anyways"
The traffic on the way home didn't help his mood in the least. It took him about 40 minutes to get back, which is why he was a bit confused when Ash didn't answer as he called for her when he first arrived. Of course, he quickly located her in the bedroom and gritted his teeth as he surveyed the scene: she was an absolute mess. Hair and makeup fucked, passed clean out face down on the bed, her sleeping shirt hiked up and bare pussy and ass exposed to the open air. His cock stirred instantly - the vulnerability of his girlfriend was extremely sexy. He tried to shake her awake - very delicately at first and then more sternly. Nothing but a brief moan in response. "well, fuck - she really went hard last night." He lay next to her on the bed and rolled her over slightly to face him, his hand stroking her hair. As mad as he was he really loved her. He leaned in and kissed that little spot on her neck below her ear that he loved so much. "Ash, you okay?" he whispered into her ear. "Yes" she mumbled, eyes still closed. "Did you have fun last night?" "I...don't..know really..." Jesus she was sloppy. He went to kiss her neck again and noticed her smell.
The usual signature fragrance of her favorite perfume and shampoo was gone and she had a slight smell of like a human muskiness. Like sweat, slight body odour, and sex combined. He imagined it was from dancing on a packed floor all night but it didn't disgust me, it actually turned him on - his cock was as hard as it had ever been. He kissed her neck again and moved his hand from her shoulder down her fit body. His cock twitched as her crossed over her breast and felt her hard nipple poking through the thin material of her shirt. As he reached over her hips he grabbed her perfect ass and pulled her close to him, feeling the firmness of it as he tried to get as much of that smell in his nostrils as possible. He ran his tongue up her neck, he couldn't help it...that taste was just intoxicating. It felt like his cock was going to tear free on his own and he couldn't hold back anymore.
He rolled her over onto her back and brought his hand back down, cupping and caressing her perfect little pussy. She stirred more lively now, opening her cloudy, glazed over eyes and looking into his as she began to shake her head and weakly protest. This was quickly hushed, however, when he put his lips to hers and slid his tongue into her reluctant mouth. Her hips instinctually gyrated into his hand as he rubbed her pussy and he could feel how hot and ridiculously wet she was. He took two fingers and went to apply pressure to her pussy and slowly work them in. She was a very tight girl and jumping to two right off the bat might be aggressive, but he was angry and wanted t...holy fuck they slipped right in.
And as they did so Ash's eyes shot open - still cloudy but with an awareness that wasn't there before. She started at Craig as he pumped his fingers into her slowly but deep and aggressively. She spread her legs further and began moving against the rhythm of his fingers. The look she had for him was one of pity mixed with lust, although he didn't recognize that at the time. She tried to say more but he slipped his tongue back into her mouth and this time she responded far more enthusiastically. He couldn't believe how impossibly wet she was...almost like full, if that makes any sense. The pumping of his fingers was working the fluid out and he could feel how slippery and wet the outside of her pussy was . He could even feel it on her thighs.
He took that as an invitation to break new ground and work a third finger into her - something he had not done before. Except he didn't even have to work it in, it just slid right in like the first two. God, whatever she took to make her so wet and slippery he wanted her to take it again sometime. He thought she'd be open to that as well by how she was reacting: spreading her legs as wide as possible to open up to him, grinding into his fingers, kissing deeper than ever before. He knew she was close and he slightly picked up the pace and intensity until her whole body tensed and then released as she stared into Craig's eyes with a lost look, letting out a guttural moan and throwing her whole body into the orgasm in a way he had never seen her to before. He kissed her as she recovered. She was usually all lovely-dovey after cumming but this time she was just breathing heavily and staring into the distance.
She squirmed as he removed all three fingers slowly, hypersensitivity setting in. He could not believe how they were dripping with the fluids from her pussy or how different her juices felt than usual. He looked her in the eyes as he brought a finger to his mouth and sucked it. Oh my god, it was that musk again. It tasted like her but also so salty, which was also somehow extremely sexy to him. He wanted to share it with her and brought his other two fingers to Ash's mouth. She was still recovering, staring at the ceiling and breathing heavily.
As she felt his fingers on her lips she opened obediently but they were almost at the back of her throat before the taste hit her. Drew's taste. Her eyes shot wide as she realized Craig had pushed her shirt right up and was kissing down her neck and over her chest...
Craig's cock literally ached and he desperately needed to fuck his girlfriend but he just had to taste her first. He pulled her baggy shirt up over her chest and began to kiss down it. Her upper chest tasted vaguely salty from all the sweating and dancing the night before and it was sexy as fuck but all over her actual tits there was patches of much thicker dried sweat that tasted just as musky and salty as her pussy had and he lingered in those spots, enjoying his time immensely. He found the same patches on her stomach and pubic mound and he enjoyed that even more as Ash was trying to squirm to keep him away from the area. He continued lower...stopping only to look up at her as she moved her hands to his head trying to stop him. She had a strange panic in her face and was shaking her head whispering "no no no please". "Fuck, she must really be sensitive" he thought to himself right before he plunged down and ran his soft tongue over and in her bare, wet, and extremely sloppy pussy.
Craig had never tasted her pussy like that...or any pussy for that matter. And that only encouraged to explore it more and more than he typically would - to savor the experience. And in his mind, Ash did as well. Her fierce protests as she tried to push off his head quickly died and she was eventually griding her hips right into his face, her hands on the back of his head. She came like that...with his tongue inside of him. And she came hard...The pressure from her pulling his face in actually hurt Craig but he was too into his work to stop. He was also proud - he never made her cum like that from oral. And he had never heard her sob after as she did this time, even while he kept going. As he ran his tongue all over her clit and up and down the surrounding area he finally reached down and unzipped his pants, he pulled his cock out and pumped it twice. Fuck, he wasn't going to last long.
Craig stood up and stripped completely. He removed Ash's shirt and kissed her deep. When they stopped she looked at him with tears in her eyes "S...sorry. I'm so sorry." He kissed her again. He wasn't mad anymore really. Phone story was probably true and she didn't mean to make him worry. He rolled her over and kissed down the back of her neck, down her back. There were more of those salty patches on her lower back and ass but he didn't linger this was time for his. He got behind her, lined his cock up with her pussy and pushed in.
Just like his fingers, his cock slipped right in with almost no resistance at all. It felt amazingly warm and good. A slickness that he had never felt before, and as he thrust he realized he could actually feel the wetness on his balls. He drive in deep and hard but as good as it was it was almost TOO slick - he didn't have the thickest cock and probably had reduced sensitivity from jacking off all the time - he could feel the warmth and the wetness but not the friction he needed desperately to cum. He looked down and marveled at how sexy she looked with that perfect ass and lower back displayed for him as he fucked her. His cock slipped out and slipped up the groove between her ass cheeks. Oh fuck, that felt really good. He could feel that much better.
The juices from Ash's pussy and his precum made the perfect lube, shivers ran through his body as he gently drove his cock along through her cheeks. It felt fucking amazing and he knew he wasn't going to last long. It did not help that Ash was pushing her ass out to facilitate him and he thought about how hot it would be to just cum like that, shoot his load all over her lower back. He started to pick up in speed and intensity. He was getting very close when Ash mumbled from a far-off place to be careful. He was so very close but he wanted to tease her a bit, maybe a little bit of payback for how inconsiderate she was last night. He pulled back, smacked his cock against her cheek a couple of times...fuck he was so hard. He lined up and went to push his cock against her tiny asshole.
His aim was off the first time, slightly. It didn't go in but was close enough to it's mark that Ash knew exactly what was happening. "no no no no no" she protested. Craig smiled, he enjoyed this. He knew he wasn't going to actually get it anywhere close to in - he had tried to work in fingers a few times and it was very tight - but he just wanted her to sweat it out a bit before he went back to fucking her ass cheeks and cumming. He lined up again, pushed slightly...and slipped right in to the hilt.
Craig's jaw dropped as soon as he started sliding into his girlfriend's warm, tight, and very lubricated asshole. Ash only let out a deep exhale, collapsed slightly, and braced against the headboard. Instinctively, Craig pulled out slightly and thrust in balls deep again - holy fuck this felt so good. How did it feel so good dry? As he pumped in and out Ash pushed back against the headboard. He placed his hands on her hips and kept going, fucking her deep but not fast or hard. He was astonished when she moved one of her hands off the headboard and brought it between her was so unlike her. He could feel the tingle building up in his balls and looked down, considering pulling out when he came and running his cock between her ass cheeks again, just as he had earlier intended - spraying all over her lower back. And it was at that moment, staring at the salty patch on Ash's back, that he realized what he was staring at. He realized why she was so "wet", why her ass so was welcoming, and what the protests and apologies were about. He increased in speed and intensity, clenching his jaw. The world spun around him as he pictured his Ash ignoring his calls with another man's cock up her ass. His balls squeezed and he came deep into Ash's well-used ass.
He caught his breath as his cock softened in her quivering asshole. He realized she was still touching herself, trying desperately to cum. As the lust drained out of his body, hatred seeped in. He pulled his now limp cock out, stood up, and walked out of the room. He needed to shower and go somewhere to calm down. He didn't know if he would ever be back.
Ash wasn't really fully in control of the fact that she was touching herself, but she came extremely hard - losing control of her bladder in the buildup to the climax. She'll never remember any of that though. All she remembered was waking up alone and disgraced in a puddle. Appalled by her own smell and lack of self-restraint. She got up and took a shower - she cried. She dried off and went to her purse to get her phone, wow - she had been out for a while. She had a lot of missed texts but only one really made her heart skip a beat. It was Drew. "We should do that again". Her skin crawled.
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